Conrad Vaughan

Conrad Vaughan was killed on the 12 December 1940 at Back 100 Gladstone Road, Sparkbrook. Conrad was 3 years of age when this happened.

Additional Notes:

LIVED AT 98 Gladstone Road, Sparkbrook West Midlands Police Records Raid 50 - 11th/12th December 1940 Air Raid Warning Red was received at 6.26 p.m. on Wednesday 11th December 1940, White at 1.30 a.m. Thursday 12th December 1940. Further Red at 1.41 a.m.; White at 1.57 a.m.; Red at 2.36 a.m. and final White at 7.36 a.m. Air attack commenced at 6.52 p.m. with High Explosive bombs. The first incendiary bomb was reported at 7.35 p.m. The districts chiefly affected were: City Centre, Hall Green, Hay Mills, Kings Heath, Sparkhill, Sparkbrook, Highgate, Balsall Heath, Bordesley Green, Washwood Heath, Handsworth, Edgbaston, Stirchley and Selly Oak. 22 parachute mines fell (12 unexploded); 318 High Explosive bombs (69 unexploded) and some oil bombs were dropped. Over 120 fires were caused by incendiary bombs, of which about 200 sets were reported. . A number of parachute flares were also dropped. Extensive damage was done to house property by High Explosive bombs and parachute mines. Damage was caused to 61 factories, some of which were completely destroyed. A Gas Works; sub-power station; 3 military establishments; 3 public houses, and a Deaf and Dumb Institute were also damaged. Three cinemas and 16 schools were damaged. Slight damage was done to the Little Bromwich Fever Hospital and Monyhull Colony (Mental Hospital), Kings Heath. Three railway stations, four goods depots and a railway bridge were damaged. Railway traffic in the City was affected owing to the presence of unexploded parachute mines. One Church was severely damaged and four others slightly damaged. Small fires occurred at two Convents. Two High Explosive shells fell on Thorp Street Barracks, one demolished a kitchen and the other fell in the main hall; there were no casualties. The following damage was caused to Police Stations: Moseley Street - Direct High Explosive hit on rear position. Cells and cell passage demolished and extensive damage to several rooms, garages and cycle sheds; Kenyon Street and Acocks Green - Blast damage to doors and windows. Electric power failed at Ladywood Police Station, putting out of action the wireless transmitter and siren. 3 police cars and a police mobile canteen were also damaged. A Police War Reservist on duty was killed, 5 members of the Force were seriously injured, and detained in hospital; 7 others were slightly injured. Two High Explosive bombs fell on the ARP Depot, Kings Road, Hay Mills, killing one and injuring 19 of the staff. Total casualties: 263 fatal; 245 seriously injured; 298 slightly injured. A number of persons received injuries whilst dealing with explosive incendiary bombs. At 10.55 a.m. Thursday, 12th December, members of the Bomb Disposal Section were removing an unexploded bomb from Stratford Road when it exploded, killing an officer and 3 privates, and injuring 1 private and 3 civilians. Birmingham Fire Services Summary No 103 -Air Riad Action for 24 hours ending at 1200 hours Thursday, 12th December 1940. Air Raid Warning - Yellow - 1822; Red 1827; White - 0133. Purple - 0138; Red - 0145; White - 0159; Red - 0240; White - 0738. Number of incidents dealt with - 350; Number of fires (caused by enemy action -304) (not caused by enemy action - 4); Number of AFS appliances engaged - 425; Number of RB appliances engaged - 46; Number of jets - 309. General Report - The raid opened around 1930 hours with incendiaries dropped in the area between Kings Norton and Yardley, on the southern side of the City. Bombing by the enemy was widespread in this area, reaching to the City centre, with the suburbs of Sparkhill, Sparkbrook and Balsall Heath receiving major attention. Thus, fires were more numerous than serious. The fires were quickly brought under control, although the raid extended over 12 hours and fire calls were being received throughout. The AFS Station 5/4 Grantham Road, Sparkbrook, suffered a direct hit from a High Explosive and 14 men were buried. Three were found dead and four are still in hospital, the remainder only having comparatively slight injuries. The machine house was only slighted affected. Water difficulties were experienced during the raid as a result of certain damage to water mains. A portion of the City in the Sparkbrook and Greet areas were affected. A few fires were also reported from the Solihull district. Injuries to personnel - all Division 5 - A. Shotton - B5155 Whole Time, 14 Erasmus Road, Sparkbrook; A.G. Holmes B 460 Whole Time, 23 Greswolde Road, Sparkhill; A.E. Clarke B 1180 Part-time, 110 Esme Road. There were 31 other injuries, of which 4 were detained in hospital.

Relatives of Conrad:-

George Vaughan (Father)
Agnes Boyd Vaughan (Mother)

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